I have to forgive

I have to forgive

I will start my testimony with what I considered to be the highlight of today’s exceptional event, September 2nd, 2016. Suddenly, at some point, it was like a bolt of lightning for me. An inner voice said to me, “Now you are going to heal your relationship...
Divine integration – the key to a happy and healthy life

Divine integration – the key to a happy and healthy life

I have two aspects to testify. One is that last year I was still a workaholic, i.e. I was working hard and mindlessly. After that event, somehow there was an awakening, and work, from last year onwards, I mean volunteering, became a kind of celebration. What I felt...
An unlearned lesson can become the cause of a disease

An unlearned lesson can become the cause of a disease

I’ll start with the September 2015 event. I had a pancreatitis in August 2015, around the middle of the month. Up to that point I have not had any health problems in that direction. That crisis came on very suddenly, I mean in the way that I didn’t feel...
God miraculously cured me of my ophthalmic migraine

God miraculously cured me of my ophthalmic migraine

I will share with you the healing I experienced after last year’s spiral meditation. I will first relate the history of the illness and then what happened. About 12 years ago, at some point, out of the blue, I suddenly lost my sight almost completely. After a...
That’s how I cured my chronic sinusitis

That’s how I cured my chronic sinusitis

Since childhood I had deviated septum, then in high school I started to have chronic sinusitis, a problem that manifested itself in headaches, shortness of breath and I had a cold quite often. About 2-3 years ago I thought about having surgery for my deviated septum....