“Darul extraordinar al vindecării bolilor şi al alinării suferinţelor prin simpla prezenţă sau prin exercitarea, la mare distanţă, a influenţei dumnezeieşti, provine întotdeauna din focarul dumnezeiesc suprem.”

Profesor de yoga Gregorian Bivolaru

“În lipsa aspiraţiei către bine, către iubire, către fericire, optimism, adevăr şi dreptate, este aproape imposibil să ne bucurăm de o stare de sănătate perfectă.”

Profesor de yoga Gregorian Bivolaru

“Noi nu putem să ne ridicăm deasupra stării de suferinţă decât atunci când realizăm că suntem, înainte de toate, copiii lui Dumnezeu Tatăl, şi abia apoi copii ai acestui pământ.”

Profesor de yoga Gregorian Bivolaru

The most powerful and complete healing method

with God help

Free event with general admission


Consecrating the fruits of our beneficial actions, a way to feel God


One beneficial thought a day can heal us


Health problems stem mainly from a sense of separation

About the Exceptional Annual Healing Event within the Charismatic Teophanic Movement

An exceptional Event has been initiated by the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru and continues to take place every year in Costinesti since September 2015, within the open activities of the Charismatic Theophanic Movement. This event ”will make possible miraculous healings, exceptional spiritual transformations…


Days left till next event (September 1st, 2024)








The very next day, I no longer had any discomfort in my pancreas and in the weeks that followed, especially in the first 3 weeks, I noticed how my digestive capacity was recovering more and more.

I had a surprise of astonishing proportions: the doctors told me that I no longer showed any symptoms of the congenital heart disease I had previously suffered from!

I began to feel, one by one, almost all of my internal organs, and thus everything appeared to me to be a profound beneficial restructuring of my whole being, acting in a transformative way, down to the deepest levels of my beliefs and convictions.
I can perform Shirshasana posture for many minutes, which I consider something miraculous for a person with two brain operations.
Following the MRI done after the 49 days, it could be seen that the tumor I have in my right kidney which was initially 58 mm has decreased in size.

“Este minunat să începem încă de pe acum să-I mulţumim cu o imensă recunoştinţă lui Dumnezeu Tatăl pentru aceste imense şi inestimabile daruri pe care ni le pregăteşte şi de care vom beneficia (cei care merităm) cu ocazia acestei manifestări în mod dumnezeiesc integrată.”

Profesor de yoga Gregorian Bivolaru