Since 2015, every year in September takes place in Costinești, at the initiative of yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, an exceptional event which is part of the activities of the Charismatic Theophanic Movement. To this event may participate, unrestrained and free of charge, human being who have various organic diseases or ailments, who have full faith in God and who aspire as well to receive and benefit both from His godly Grace, and from the help that will be provided on that occasion, in unison, by the angels, certain archangels, certain seraphs and certain cherubs.
Participating in this event will make possible miraculous healings, some exceptional spiritual transformations, as well as bestowals of godly grace upon all those whom God the Father, together with His angels, together with His archangels, together with His seraphs and together with His cherubs will choose to benefit from the Godly gifts that God the Father will pour upon us with that occasion.
The participation is free of charge, but implies several steps. First of all it is necessary for all those who wish to attend the event to register in advance. All the administrative details will be communicated before each annual event. Each person who registers will receive a special access pass, offered free of charge, which can be used in the following years as well. The minimum age to register is 18.
In the day of the event, the participants will bring a glass bottle with a cork top, filled with pure, spring water that has previously been blesses 21 times (you may find here more details about the blessing) and also a piece of white cloth which will be placed under their bare feet, at the right moment.
In order to increase the chances of spectacular improvements, or even healings by godly miracle of the various diseases and ailments of the participants, it is welcome for each person to make the first important steps towards God. We suggest three ways to get closer to God. These methods are optional and are not a prerequisite to attend the Exceptional Event.
The preparatory fasting
First of all we advise those who wish to attend to rigorously observe in advance 12 days of water fasting. Fasting will be done for minimum 24 hours in the days or weeks prior to the Event In the very day of the Event, all participants will observe the 13th fasting day, which will end 3 hours after the Event is finished.
It is important to realise that, through this sacrifice that is freely assumed, we increase considerably the chanced that Good God will have mercy and will make all of us benefit from His godly grace and from His endless godly compassion. Such a fasting implies from our side a sacrifice that is complete, unconditioned, altruist, full of abnegation, and that does not include at all the idea of a pathetic, mercantile ”barter” with God, such as: ”Look, I as fasting for so many days, and thus You will have to cure me immediately”. Fasting can not rely on a selfish and mean idea such as: ”Oh, Lord, You see I am making this sacrifice, but I expect You cure all my diseases and ailments”.
This who freely choose to observe these fasting days may decide to do not only one, but two or even three fasting days per week, but is not necessary that those days be consecutive.
The last fasting days of the 12 will take place with minimum three days before the Event. Also, it is important to keep in mind that all participants will fast in the day of the Event starting with midnight until three hours after the Event has ended. This will be the 13th days of fasting.
We want to emphasize that all those who are following a treatment with medicinal herbs may continue to take the herbs, eventually in form of powder put under their tongue, even during the water fast, but they will only take the plants which are part of their treatment.
All 12 fasting days chosen by each person, as well as the 13th day, will be consecrated beforehand, in a clear and categoric manner, for participating in this Event, using the following formula:
Lord God, Heavenly Father, to You I offer, totally and unconditionally, here and now, the fruits of this water fasting that will comprise 12 days, plus the actual day when this event in which I will participate will take place, which will be the 13th day.
Those who are not familiar with the act of consecration may find here more details.
In the case of the human beings who, for various reasons, choose not to fast for 12 days, they will consecrate only the fasting on the day of the event, starting at midnight. and they will also utter the following ritual formula beforehand:
Lord God, Heavenly Father, to You I offer, totally and unconditionally, here and now, the fruits of this water fasting, which I do starting with 00:00 hours in the night, and I humbly implore You, with righteous hope and with love, to help me, according to Your great mercy, by offering me everything that I need, both regarding my bodily health and regarding my soul and spiritual well being. So help me God! Amen!
The necessary purification
The second way to get closer to God implies that every human being who aspires sincerely and ardently to attend this exceptional spiritual Event and who wants to fully benefit from the bestowal of the godly grace to decide to promptly give up, in a categoric manner, ingesting meat, fish, coffee, tobacco, hallucinogenic mushrooms, drugs and alcohol (with the exception of alcoholic extracts such as Swedish Bitter or other medicinal tinctures, which can be used in small quantities, under 10 grams/day).
A covenant with God
The third way to make without delay the necessary steps towards God is a spiritual covenant with God. It is appropriate, but in some cases even necessary, that each of those who wish and intend to attend this Event perform beforehand a fundamental solemn spiritual inner covenant between themselves and God the Father, covenant that is then necessary to be respected for life. By this covenant, each one who chooses to do this implores the help, implores the Grace of God, implores the godly aspiration so that their life, their existence will get a beneficial, godly integrated direction, for the respective human being to begin and then to continue a process of deification, process that is very important to extend and even to intensify more and more during their entire lifetime.
This solemn covenant will be done three times in a row, in three different days, and will be completed in the 11th water fasting day of choice. We suggest that the three covenants of this kind will be actually done in the 9th fasting day (the first integration), in the 10th fasting day (the second integration), and in the 11th fasting day (the third integration).
We offer you such a ritual formula, that each of you may use:
Lord God, Heavenly Father, from the very Beginnings, You are the One Who have created me in Your image and likeness. To You I offer myself from now on – body and soul – totally and unconditionally.
I implore You with love, with faith and with humbleness, to often manifest Yourself in and through my being, to help me ascend towards You and to take sure and more and more rapid steps on the path of deification of my being, in every moment, with Your help.
I humbly implore You, with righteous hope, with love, to help me according to Your great mercy and I beg You to make it so that Your signs and synchronicities, which I need for guidance, ceaselessly occur in my life.
I humbly implore You and I open myself forever and totally to You, so that only Your Will manifests more and more often in and through my being. I know that this Will of Yours is a Godly Attribute that always manifests in the form of a sublime subtle energy, whose vibration frequency never modifies.
I implore You and at the same time I fervently aspire that You help me to become and then to remain, the mysterious channel in and through which You often manifest Yourself, both in my own existence, and in the life of human beings who are willing and open to receive godly inspiration, godly guidance and godly help that manifest through me, in the hypostasis of humble channel of Your eternal, almighty and mysterious presence.
Only Thy Will be done, in all eternity. I gratefully thank You for all that You offer me and for all that You will offer me. Amen! Amen! Amen!
In the day of The Event
Participant will come at the location of the Event according to the programme announced, with their special pass, the bottle of water and the white piece of fabric, without any electronic device (mobile phone, tablet, laptop, watch, GPS etc). Depending on the number of participants, the preparations (including the set up of the spiral) may take several hours, For the foreign participants translation will be provided in the main international languages.
All those who attend this Event may receive (only if they want) a special blend of sacred medicinal herbs (as a ground powder) which will be moistened with the blessed water and will be kept under their tongue for 20 minutes, after which will be chewed for 2 minutes, and in the end will be swallowed with water.
In the end of this action, those who felt exceptional states and wish to share them can do it on the spot, on microphone. Such testimonials can be sent as well later on, on the email address provided on this site.
All those who will notice significant improvements f their health or even miraculous healings of the diseases and ailments and advised that, for the healing process to continue and stabilise, they consecrate afterwards, for this purpose, one fasting day per week.
Also, all those who will notice significant improvements or miraculous healings of their diseases and ailments are invited to continue to participate, for seven years in a row, to these miraculous manifestations, in order to deepen more, by benefiting from the godly grace, the process of improving their health, as well as to deepen and complete the process of miraculous healing that has already appeared in their case, upon participation in this Event. Please note that all those who will properly consider this advice will have only benefits and they can be sure that the healing process will continue and will stabilize.
Recommended schedule – optional
Recommended period | Observations | |
Fasting day (1) | 10 June – 16 June | Each person will choose the fasting day. |
Fasting day (2) | 17 June – 23 June | Each person will choose the fasting day. |
Fasting day (3) | 24 June – 30 June | Each person will choose the fasting day. |
Fasting day (4) | 01 July – 07 July | Each person will choose the fasting day. |
Fasting day (5) | 08 July – 14 July | Each person will choose the fasting day. |
Fasting day (6) | 15 July – 21 July | Each person will choose the fasting day. |
Fasting day (7) | 22 iulie – 28 iulie | Each person will choose the fasting day. |
Fasting day (8) | 29 July – 4 August | Each person will choose the fasting day. |
Fasting day (9) | 5 August – 11 August | Each person will choose the fasting day.The first inner covenant with God. |
Fasting day (10) | 12 August – 18 August | Each person will choose the fasting day.The second inner covenant with God. |
Fasting day (11) | 19 August – 25 August | Each person will choose the fasting day.The third inner covenant with God. |
Fasting day (12) | 28 August | 12th fasting day, three days before the Event. |
Fasting day (13) | Sunday, 1 September 2019 | Fasting in unison on the day of the Event. |
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